The IPCC and its Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC

I can’t believe that we haven’t talked about the IPCC in general and its latest report in particular yet on the blog. Therefore, to quote Stan Shunpike “Take it away, Ern!” (Apologies for the Harry Potter reference, huge fan here, in case you couldn’t tell and unfortunately the rest of this post won’t be particularly … Continue reading The IPCC and its Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC

What are the barriers to success of climate action?

In the previous few posts I have talked about the fact that the climate is starting to display increasingly drastic changes and most people seem to have an awareness of this phenomenon.  But in spite of this general concern, behavioural response has thus far been very limited. It seems that this gap between awareness and … Continue reading What are the barriers to success of climate action?

Adaptation and Mitigation

Adaptation and mitigation are complementary strategies which seek to reduce and manage the current and emerging risks of climate change. Mitigation which historically has been the main focus of policy makers and scientists is the effort of limiting climate change through the reduction of green-house gases (GHG) released into the atmosphere. Adaptation on the other … Continue reading Adaptation and Mitigation

Soaring temperatures world-wide – what can we do to lessen climate change?

As we look at the soaring temperatures across Europe in the last few weeks it is becoming glaringly obvious that climate change is our reality. The current warming trend is proven to be caused by human activity (anthropogenic in nature) according to the IPCC (among others). And it is caused by carbon emissions. I am … Continue reading Soaring temperatures world-wide – what can we do to lessen climate change?

A medley of environmental projects supported by LEADER

My last few posts highlighted the difficulties we are facing due to climate change and the need for collective action. It is a difficult topic which makes it rather hard to achieve a positive tone however I don’t want this blog to be all “doom and gloom”. So, in this article I am going to … Continue reading A medley of environmental projects supported by LEADER

Looking at the wildfire in Greece – what exactly can we expect from climate change?

If you have been following the news in the last few days you must have noticed the devastating fires that are currently causing havoc in Greece. This type of disaster if maybe not caused but is definitely much worsened by climate change. Just think extended heatwave, drought, violent winds... But climate change will affect basic … Continue reading Looking at the wildfire in Greece – what exactly can we expect from climate change?

The International, EU and Irish Policy Context of Climate Change

The volatile changes in the climate in recent years (heavier storms, increased precipitation, violent temperature changes, draughts, heat waves, coastal erosion, sea levels rising etc.) have made the topic an increasing focus for policy makers world-wide. Addressing these problems however requires integration across the different levels of government: from international bodies such as the UN … Continue reading The International, EU and Irish Policy Context of Climate Change

The environment and rural areas – and where does LEADER come into it?

Let's talk about two issues that are very close to my heart: rural areas and the environment. As some of you might know I have been working as a rural development officer for a good few years and I am very interested in environmental issues (what a shock, huh?). Just to be clear I am … Continue reading The environment and rural areas – and where does LEADER come into it?